Header Next Steps
Membership Explore
On the second Sunday of the month, we have unique opportunities for you to get to know a little more about JF. Explore is quick meet & greet with some of our JF staff to learn more about our mission and vision as a faith family. Discover is our informational class for adults considering membership.
Community Community
We believe that the Christian Life is meant to be lived in community with one another. We have Groups for all different stages and ages of life. Our groups meet on Sunday and during the week and have something for young professionals, couples, empty nesters, and many more. We also have care groups for divorce, finance, and grief.
Serving Serving
As growing disciples of Christ, we are called to serve the local church and our community. If you are looking for an easy place to begin serving, we have the opportunity you’ve been looking for. We will serve our city on Saturday, August 27, at MOVE ATL. This is a great way to experience serving as a family or a community group.
Giving Giving
We believe generosity is part of worship, just like singing, praying, or reading your Bible. Maybe giving isn’t part of your regular worship experience. We invite you to pray about what it would look like to trust God with your finances. If you would like to give today, click the link below.
Baptism Baptism
Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. It’s a special opportunity to declare to the world that Jesus is Lord over our lives and that we want to live for Him. Scripture calls believers to be baptized by immersion to symbolize Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:14).